Summer is here! The hot sun invites you to fire up your grill and enjoy delicious Miesfeld's meats. You can start by smoking and eating delicious summertime favorites for your family and friends.
You don't have to have a smoker to enjoy the rich flavors of smoked foods. Your charcoal grill can serve you well all summer long.
When you take that first bite of a Miesfeld's smoked bratwurst or other premium meat, you'll be glad you got creative with your grill. Use this guide for charcoal grill smoking techniques and general summer grilling tips.

Step-by-Step Instructions
The goal of smoking meat on a charcoal grill is to achieve longer cook times at lower temperatures, mimicking meat smoking. As you follow each step, keep the mantra "low and slow" fresh in your mind.
1. Combine Lit and Unlit Coals for Smoking
You'll need both lit and unlit coals to achieve the authentic smoky flavors you're after. This combination keeps the temperature consistent over time without raising it and ruining the process. A few coal preparation methods you can use for this include:
• Parallel columns: Spread lit coals on either side of the pan with empty space in the middle
• Top-down burning: Place a few lit coals on top of unlit coals to encourage slow-burning
• Round burning: Form a "snake" with unlit coals and light the first few at the head of the snake
Consider the amount of charcoal you have on hand and how long you want the smoking process to take.
2. Add Water to a Foil Pan
You need hot water to trap moisture on the grill and maintain consistent smoking temperatures. To achieve this, place a foil pan filled with water under the meat while smoking. This pan can also catch drippings.
3. Add Wood Chunks
Wood chunks used for meat smoking add that desirable smokey flavor you know and love. We recommend using hardwood chunks for pork and beef, giving the meat a more pungent taste. When cooking, you can use applewood or cherrywood to add more flavor to chicken and turkey.
4. Maintain a Consistent Smoking Temperature
Once your meat is on the grill, it's all about keeping it at a consistent temperature. For the best results, smoked meat needs to stay between 220° and 250° Fahrenheit. To check the temperature, use a high-quality meat thermometer placed in the top vent of your charcoal grill.
If the inside of the grill is reading below 225°, add more lit coals to the inside to quickly raise the temperature. Monitor the temperature to ensure it doesn't go above 250°.
The best way to lower the temperature is to close the grill vents. This reduces oxygen flow into the grill, reducing the overall smoking temperature.
5. Check the Meat's Internal Temperature
The meat is safe to eat when it reaches 145° to 165° Fahrenheit on the inside. Most people who smoke meat in the summer want it to be tender and flavorful. This requires an internal temperature of about 180° for most meats.
You should also test the consistency of the meat. If it breaks apart easily and looks juicy, it's ready to serve! To add even more flavor, try some of our Miesfeld’s original sauces and marinades.

Best Meats for Smoking in the Summer
Miesfeld's offers a wide range of premium, quality meats. Any of our fresh meats would make for a beautiful summer barbeque. From pork chops to chuck patties, we have you covered at our meat market.
Bratwursts are delicious summer delicacies, perfect for smoking. You can use your favorite grilling methods to cook our brats, but smoking them will give them a great final flavor.
Some of our most popular brat flavors include:
• Jalapeno cheddar
• Cajun
• Garlic and onion
• Mushroom and Swiss
• Nacho cheese
• Chorizo
• Apple sauerkraut
Using our summer smoking techniques, you can get the ideal flavors and textures from your premium Miesfeld's bratwursts!
Are you ready to fire up the grill for the summer? At Miesfeld's Triangle Market, we have everything from brats to fresh meats and more. Enjoy a tasty summer barbeque using our flavorful meats with our grilling tips and smoking techniques!