Brats and Beyond: How to Add Brats to Your Favorite Dishes

Here in Wisconsin, we like our bratwurst. But the thing is, "like" is a bit of an understatement. We enjoy it any way you can make it — plain, flavored, beer-infused, spicy, on a bun, even without a bun.

Being in Sheboygan — home to the nation's biggest bratwurst festival — Miesfeld's Meat Market is understandably brat-centric. And while we certainly appreciate traditional bratwurst applications, we feel the iconic German sausage can do much more than sit enticingly in a bun.

If your fridge currently holds an overabundance of bratwurst, there are many ways to use it in other kinds of dishes. Its unique spice profile and texture can transform many well-loved foods into something unique and unexpected. Here are just a few examples.

Bratwurst Tacos

The taco is an open canvas; you can put just about anything into it. This makes it the perfect vehicle for thinly sliced bratwurst.

You can start by grilling Miesfeld's Grand Champion Bratwurst for 25 minutes and letting it rest before cutting it into taco-sized pieces. Then, layer the meat into a soft, warm tortilla (or even a crunchy one) with your favorite toppings.

Bratwurst mingles well with traditional taco ingredients. You can enhance the flavor further with our Chorizo, Jalapeño Cheddar, or Nacho Cheese brats.

Bratwurst Pasta

Pasta is another ingredient that lends itself well to experimentation. Miesfeld's Garlic Bratwurst is an ideal replacement for traditional Italian sausage, even when prepared with other ingredients.

Perhaps you're looking to completely buck tradition. If so, try a more German-influenced dish with short pasta, cabbage, and Miesfeld's Mushroom and Swiss Bratwurst.

Bratwurst Jambalaya

Traditional jambalaya uses andouille sausage as its protein base. You can add to, or even replace, the andouille with our Cajun Bratwurst. It's made using the same spices that have endeared New Orleans cooking to the culinary world, and it blends very well with the Cajun "holy trinity" of onion, bell pepper, and celery. Our Cajun Bratwurst also works well in gumbo if you're not afraid of a little okra.

Bratwurst Pizza

Pizza is easily the most common vessel for cured meats in the world. While bratwurst is not "cured" like other sausages, like pepperoni and salami are, it's prepared using some of the same elements.

Bratwurst can sit alongside traditional pizza toppings. Alternatively, you can switch out those toppings to make a more bratwurst-friendly pizza, replacing the mozzarella with cheddar cheese in beer sauce. You can also find those ingredients at Miesfeld's physical and online meat markets.

Bratwurst Mac & Cheese

Technically, this is also a pasta dish, but mac and cheese deserves special recognition as a globally loved comfort food. Add grilled bratwurst to the mix when you're ready to bake, as other people add hot dogs.

For obvious reasons, Miesfeld's Cheddar Cheese bratwurst works exceptionally well in this application. And if you want to go big, you can use cheddar-and-beer sauce for a mac and cheese that's probably nothing like the one you had as a kid.

Bratwurst Salad

We realize that salad is probably the last thing you think when buying meat online. And frankly, we don't think about salad much either.

But you'd be surprised by the flavor our Grand Champion bratwurst adds to a Cobb salad or how well it substitutes for chicken in a Caesar salad. Our fellow Wisconsinites might appreciate us mentioning that bratwurst also works exceptionally well in potato salad, a vegetable item we can get behind.

Expect the Best Wurst at Miesfeld's Triangle Market

Are you looking for unique ways to put a little more bratwurst in your everyday life? If so, come by our location in Sheboygan or shop our online store.


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